What Should You Know About Navigating High-Stakes Litigation in New York Courts?

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What Should I Do If I Am Involved in High-Stakes Litigation?

Your life will be irreversibly changed if you become involved in high-stakes litigation. It may create a chain reaction of frightening, confusing, and uncertain events. If you face federal charges, the US Attorney’s Office will use its unlimited resources to build its case against you. Their 90% success rate makes them a terrible foe. Whether you are facing litigation charges and seeking representation or dealing with family law issues such as divorce, estate planning, elder law, personal injury claims, workman compensation, or Business and Real Estate Law, our firm has the experience and personal dedication to see your case through to its conclusion.

In New York, you have options. The Law Offices of Joseph A Marra, PLLC, keenly understands how the system works. We have a track record of success and understand the upheaval you and your loved ones are facing. High-stakes litigation impacts you and your entire family emotionally and financially. It is our job to mitigate those damages. Let our compassionate and knowledgeable litigation defense lawyers be there to help you as you tread this path. Call The Law Offices of Joseph A Marra, PLLC, for a consultation. 914-344-5145.

What Is The Most Critical Strategy My Legal Team Should Use in High-Stakes Litigation?

A good attorney will have a deep understanding of the power dynamics shaping the case’s outcome. All the players, from the witnesses to the opposing counsel and the judge, have varying degrees of power and influence, which can all be leveraged to sway the opinions and perhaps ultimately change the direction of the trial.

In high-stakes litigation, emotions are often running high, and a skilled attorney can use emotional manipulation to tap into the psychological vulnerabilities of the witnesses, jurors, and perhaps even the opposing counsel. While these tactics may seem crafty, they allow your counsel to direct the narrative to support your case in a way that resonates with their audience, in this case, the judge and jurors- much like an author seeks to reach her readers or a director, his viewers.

You must select a legal team that understands these dynamics. Doing so will dramatically increase your chances of success in litigation.

What Types of Strategy Are Involved in High-Stakes Litigation?

High-stake litigation covers a broad spectrum of legal cases, so we will always begin with a thorough case analysis to determine how our legal team can best serve your needs. After we have discovered the type of services you require and evaluated the facts of the case, we can move forward.

Another step in high-stakes litigation is risk assessment. This is the period during which counsel anticipates and attempts to mitigate pitfalls in the case. A few things your legal team may assess during this period are the credibility and admissibility risks. They may try to determine if there is any kind of judicial bias, and they will consider potential counterarguments. Overall, there will be an evaluation of the likelihood of the success of your case.

Finally, the most comprehensive and complex step begins: creating the strategy. During this step, your legal team will be busy developing a plan for witness preparation and evidence presentation, preparing their legal arguments, and determining which motions and countermotions to file.

What if There is Media Scrutiny of My High-Stakes Litigation? Can You Help Me?

There are 3 Keys to mitigating the media circus that frequently envelopes high-stakes litigation. Unfortunately, the media frenzy can take over quickly in the digital era, placing extreme pressure on those involved in high-stakes litigation. The primary ways to control these risks include: 

  • Development of a comprehensive and proactive communication strategy. Make sure all team members are on message and develop thoughtful and concise responses to critical concerns about the case
  • Monitor social media: Public sentiment is essential in high-profile, high-stakes cases. Identify hotspots and address backlash promptly. 
  • Maintain Transparency and Consistency: Verify all public statements and communications. Everything can be traced back to the case, no matter how small you might think. 

Can A High-Stakes Litigation Attorney Help Me?

Many people facing litigation mistakenly believe that the cost of hiring a high-stakes litigation attorney is prohibitive and not worth it when they can easily represent themselves. But high-stakes litigation attorneys are trained and have access to do so much more for you than you could hope to achieve on your own. Building a robust case during litigation takes a savvy team of legal professionals. A strong litigation lawyer can:

  •  Find and interview witnesses
  • Investigate witnesses and their statements
  • Scrutinize police actions and behavior (if applicable)
  • Develop strategies suited to your case
  • Custom tailor a legal resolution
  • Assess plea offers and potential trial outcomes
  • Serve as a buffer between you and the prosecution team
  • Guide you seamlessly through every step of the process

When Should I Call A high-stakes Litigation Attorney?

Going through litigation can be life-altering. The outcome will affect your finances, the well-being of your family, and those who love and care for you.

The best way to mitigate the damage is to employ the services of a skilled and knowledgeable litigation attorney on your side from day one.

At The Law Offices of Joseph A Marra, PLLC, we build personal relationships with our clients and provide constant compassionate support throughout the legal process. Be proactive, and take the first step. Call The Law Offices of Joseph A Marra, PLLC, for a detailed Case evaluation at 914-344-5145

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